We are thrilled to unveil our new identity! The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) has undergone a rebrand and is now Braiding Knowledges Canada (BKC)! To learn more about our rebrand, visit the new BKC landing page.

Aimee Schmidt


Aimee Schmidt grew up in Atlin B.C. and is passionate about the conservation of Taku River Tlingit Traditional Territory. Aimee recently completed a PhD in Environment and Sustainability at the University of Saskatchewan. Her social science research focused on understanding the human dimensions of polar bear-human interactions in Churchill, Manitoba. As part of her research journey, Aimee studied Indigenous Methodologies, traditional knowledge in wildlife management, and Indigenous human-­‐animal relationships. Aimee now works as the Executive Director of the T’akhu  Tlèn Conservancy and is currently a board member for WildWise Yukon, a non-profit that focuses on reducing human-wildlife conflicts in the Yukon.

Selected Publications

Schmidt, Aimee L. & Clark, Douglas A. (2018). “It’s just a matter of time”: Lessons from agency and community responses to polar bear-inflicted human injury. Conservation & Society, 6 (1).

Schmidt, Aimee L., Clark, D. A., P. A. Loring. “Local Experts’ Observations, Interpretations, and Responses to Polar Bear Human Interactions.” Arctic, submitted June 01, 2018. Status: Under Review.

Laforge, M. P., Clark, D. A., Schmidt, A. L., Lankshear J. L., Kowalchuk, S., and R. K Brook. (2017). “Temporal aspects of polar bear occurrences at field camps in Wapusk National Park, Canada.” Polar Biology. Status: Accepted with Revisions. 40(8), pp. 1661–1670

Schmidt, Aimee. “After the Protected Area,” Book Review, 2014, Conservation Biology, 28(2), pp. 620-621.


Executive Director
T’akhu  Tlèn Conservancy
371-108 Elliott Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 6C4

Email: takhuatlened@gmail.com
Office: 1(867)336-2170
Web: Takhuatlen

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