We are thrilled to unveil our new identity! The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) has undergone a rebrand and is now Braiding Knowledges Canada (BKC)! To learn more about our rebrand, visit the new BKC landing page.

Dr. Maureen Reed


Maureen Reed leads the PROGRESS lab at the University of Saskatchewan, where PROGRESS stands for “Practices Of Governance for Resilience, Environmental and Social Sustainability. We seek to address the question: What models of governance and action can help communities become resilient and make progress towards environmental and social sustainability? Her research group works primarily with rural and Indigenous communities to learn how they confront interconnected environmental, social, economic political and cultural changes. Some of these changes happen rapidly, such as during extreme events like flooding and forest fires. Other changes happen over generations, such as expectations about gender or indigenous-settler relations and how these expectations affect decisions made about environment and sustainability. We study both fast and slow-moving changes and consider how to support transformations for equitable, resilient, vital and sustainable communities. We are particularly interested in governance arrangements, so our focus is on how gets involved in policy, program and management decisions, under what conditions, and with what effects. We work in biosphere reserves, model forests, community forests, and Indigenous territories in Canada and internationally. We share our results with local communities, local-national governments, private sector interests, United Nations agencies, and scholars around the world.

Selected Publications/ Publications sélectionnées

Reed, M.G. (with Drebert, Y. and Kingsmill, P.). Sustaining Home: Canadian Biosphere Reserves in Action. Available from the iBOOKstore, 2016.

*Parkins, J. and Reed, M.G., editors. The Social Transformation of Rural Canada: New Insights into Community, Culture, and Citizenship. UBC Press, 2013.

Draper, D. and Reed, M.G. 2009. Our Environment: A Canadian Perspective, 4th Edition, Nelson, 2009.

Chapters in books

Reed, M.G. and George, C. “Just conservation: The evolving relationship between society and protected areas.” In Holifield, R., Chakraborty, J. and Walker, G. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice. Routledge, 2017.

Egunyu, F.  and Reed, M.G. “Harrop-Procter Community Forest: Learning how to manage forestry resources at the community level.” In Bullock, R., Broad, G., Palmer, L., and Smith, P.  (eds.) Growing Community Forests: Practice, Research, and Advocacy in Canada. University of Manitoba Press, 2017.

Reed, M.G. “Understanding the gendered labours of adaptation to climate change in forest-based communities through different models of analysis.” In Cohen, M. (ed.). Gender and Climate Change in Rich Countries:  Work, Public Policy and Action. London: Routledge, 2017. 199-214.


Professor and Assistant Director
Academic School of Environment and Sustainability
University of Saskatchewan
117 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5C8

Email: mgr774@mail.usask.ca
Tel: 1(306)966-5630
Web: Maureen Reed

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