We are thrilled to unveil our new identity! The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) has undergone a rebrand and is now Braiding Knowledges Canada (BKC)! To learn more about our rebrand, visit the new BKC landing page.

Funding opportunity




Nov 2, 2020


Nov 2, 2020


The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) has strongly advocated for bringing multiple ways of knowing to the table to inform and enhance decision-making, including Indigenous and Western knowledge approaches. This why CMN is investing $3 million dollars for a series of place- and/or theme-based Knowledge Hubs to support mountain research combining Indigenous and Western ways of knowing and doing.

CMN is calling all interested researchers, knowledge holders, other experts, and knowledge users from across Canada to submit an Expression of Intent (EOI) by answering the survey below, which is the first step in the CMN Call for Proposals (full timeline available in the survey). All knowledge hub proposals will include both Indigenous and Western ways of knowing and doing. In addition, CMN commits to supporting Indigenous-led research with at least 50% of the total funds for this call for proposals ($1.5 million).

The survey below will help CMN create and fund a series place-based Knowledge Hubs within defined biocultural landscapes across Canada, as well as theme-based Hubs focused on biocultural diversity, climate change and adaptation, land-based learning, livelihoods, water and well-being, tourism and recreation etc.

Survey respondents are invited to identify which places, themes, and knowledge needs should be prioritized in the establishment of knowledge hubs. They will also be asked to express their interest in contributing to one or more funded knowledge hubs if they are well-aligned with their regional and knowledge priorities.

Affirming the validity of Indigenous research approaches, as well as building a greater awareness and understanding of those approaches by all network participants, is critical to deliver on CMN’s vision and mission. By incorporating complementary ways of knowing and doing into research and working together, we can make clearer decisions and improved conservation strategies to better tackle the enormous challenges of today.

Deadline for submission of EOI: November 6th, 2020


View the full application and submit your EOI

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