We are thrilled to unveil our new identity! The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) has undergone a rebrand and is now Braiding Knowledges Canada (BKC)! To learn more about our rebrand, visit the new BKC landing page.
Trails of Mountain Caribou


Biocultural Place:

The Hub is centred in Nı́o Nę P’ęnę́ (NNP) – the backbone of the mountains in the Sahtú Region of NWT and gathering place of caribou populations – and will enable the Shúhtaot’ı̨nę and Métıs of Tulı́t’a and Norman Wells to maintain and strengthen relationships radiating in three directions. 1. A northern node, encompassing the neighbouring Sahtú community of Fort Good Hope Shı́hta Got’ı̨nę (Mountain Dene), the mountain regions of the newly established Ts’udé Nılı̨né Tuyeta Protected Area, and Gwich’in communities as represented by the Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC), and Nacho Nyak Dun (Mayo, Yukon). 2. A central node, encompassing the longstanding community relationships between Tulı́t’a, Norman Wells and Tu Łıdlını (Ross River) Dena. 3. A southern node, encompassing Nahanni and Náats’ı̨hch’oh National Park Reserves, and relationships with Dehcho First Nation communities. The NNP Hub will embrace dialogue with other place hubs, especially on topics of common interest with Kaska, Dene, and Blackfoot peoples in the West Central and Southwest Interiors. The NNP Hub is structured by ancient trails across northwestern mountain landscapes that intertwine cold climate families, nations, wildlife, and water flows first disrupted by the imposition of colonial boundaries and governance systems, and then counterposed by modern treaties and Indigenous governance systems. These mountain landscapes, home to people, caribou and other wildlife, are now impacted in drastic ways by climate change and socio-economic pressures. 


Knowledge Leaders:

  • Leon Andrew, Nę K’ǝ Dene Ts’ı̨̨lı̨ – Living on the Land Forum, Sahtú Renewable Resources Board, Nááts’ı̨hch’oh National Park Reserve

  • Catarina Owen, Acting Executive Director, Sahtu Renewable Resources Board


Knowledge Collaborators:

  • Manisha Singh, Nı́o Nę P’ęnę́ Research Manager

  • Douglas Yallee, Member; Special Advisor, Tulı́t’a Renewable Resources Council; Nę K’ǝ Dene Ts’ı̨lı̨ Forum; SRRB

  • Rhea McDonald, President, Norman Wells Renewable Resources Council

  • Norman Barichello, Science Advisor, Tu Łidlini (Ross River) Dena Council

  • Sharon Snowshoe, Director of Cultural Heritage, Gwich’in Tribal Council

  • Daniel Jackson, President, Fort Good Hope Renewable Resources Council

  • Nadine Gauvin, Superintendent, Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve

  • Heather Sayine-Crawford, Director, Wildlife and Fish, Government of Northwest Territories (Environment and Natural Resources)

  • Dawna Hope, Lands and Resources Department staff, Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation

  • Micheline Manseau, Associate Professor / Wildlife Ecologist, Trent University / Environment and Climate Change Canada

  • Aerin Jacob, Conservation Scientist, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

  • Tracey Williams, Northwest Territories Lead, Nature United

  • Craig Walter, Manager, Trade & Investment, Sahtu Region, Government of Northwest Territories, Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment

  • Glen MacKay, Territorial Archaeologist and Manager of NWT Cultural Places Program, Government of Northwest Territories, Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Prince of Wales Heritage Centre

  • Thom Stubbs, Regional Planner, Associate, ALCES

  • Aurora McNeely, President, Fort Good Hope Metis Land Corporation

  • Judith Wright-Bird, Executive Director, Tulı́t’a Métis Land Corporation

  • Frank Andrew, Chief, Tulı́t’a Dene Band

  • Jonathan Tetso, Superintendent, Nahanni National Park Reserve


Other Collaborating Organizations:

  • Tulít’a Dene Band

  • Tulít’a Renewable Resources Council

  • Norman Wells Renewable Resources Council

  • Tu ŁIdlini (Ross River) Dena Council

  • Gwich’in Tribal Council Department of Cultural Heritage

  • Fort Good Hope Renewable Resources Council

  • Nááts’ı̨hch’oh National Park Reserve

  • Government of the NWT Department of Environment and Natural Resources

  • Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation, Environment and Climate Change Canada

  • Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, Nature United, Nahanni National Park Reserve


Hub Focus and Goals:

The Hub will strengthen existing community-led initiatives enabling community and regional Indigenous-led governance and stewardship. This approach includes culturally appropriate tools for Indigenous community-led processes to conduct a situation analysis based on braided knowledge (the why story), define results chains (the what story) and develop work plans for community-led stewardship including research, monitoring, way of life and land protection initiatives. Plans are used as evidence for decision-making and are critical means for securing sustainably funded programs and strengthening Indigenous governance and stewardship. The approach is bottom-up, respecting and reflecting long standing stewardship traditions, starting at the family and community level, and, at the same time, requires cross-scalar collaboration and coordination reflecting cross-boundary biocultural relationships. 

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