Dr. Carlo Aall


Carlo holds a master in Nature conservation from the Agricultural University of Norway (1987) and took his PhD at the University of Aalborg in 2002. The title of his thesis was “When is Change Change? From nature protection to sustainable development in Norwegian municipalities”. He has been working at Western Norway Research Institute since 1990,  and from 2006 – 2017 he was head of the environmental research group. Carlo has worked as an environmental adviser in the municipality of Ølen (1988-90) and has since 1996 been involved together with his wife in a farm restaurant specialising in organic and local food. Carlo has worked with a number of large research projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council as well as international EU financed projects.

As from 1st of September Carlo works in addition as professor II at the University College og Sogn og Fjordane, in which he will take part in teaching at the Master in Climate Change Management.


Professor / Professeur
Western Norway Research Institute – Vestlandsforsking

Email / Courriel caa@vestforsk.no
Office / Bureau : 47 991 27 222

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